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Co-VAL > Approach
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The work for Co-VAL project is organized around eleven work packages and is founded on three pillars:

  • Theoretical and metrics framework (WP1-WP2)
  • Research on key co-creation areas (WP3-WP6)
  • Policy work (WP7-WP9)


An overview of the project activities is presented as follows:

This workpackage aims to: (i) Map and evaluate extant frameworks for public management reform and the range of roles that citizens play in these; (ii) Develop further the public service dominant theory as a conceptual framework for the Co-VAL project and in particular to integrate the element of digital governance into it; (iii) Test out this emergent framework through a series of cross-national case studies; (iv) Use this empirical analysis to develop the contingencies, challenges and opportunities for citizen engagement in public service delivery through the public service dominant framework.

WP2 aims to measure and monitore transformative innovations in the public sector. In addition to analyses of publicly available data and case studies, it includes a large-scale survey of public administration managers responsible for innovation projects and a smaller linked survey of managers of NGOs and other organisations involved in co-creation roles on public sector innovations. The surveys are conducted in six countries (France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and the UK). The surveys focus on the use of collaboration and co-creation in innovative projects in order to produce policy-relevant metrics of co-creation activities and analyses of the factors that influence how collaboration occurs, the roles of different partners in innovative public administration projects, the factors that lead to failure or success, and the impacts of value co-creation in public services.

This workpackage aims to:  (i) Identify and extract the reasons why public administrations are investing into digital transformation activities, goals and expected outcomes, drivers for digital transformation in the public sector, changing internal mindsets and culture to redirect design and implementation paradigm away from their own internal logic toward a human centered design that moves the citizen into the center of the design process; (ii) Identify the methods that public managers are adapting from the private sector that are contributing to internal and external public value creation, introduction of these methods; (iii) Create international cases of digital transformation describing the relationships to their stakeholders, especially to the contracting industry, and change acquisition routines and policies; (iv) Identify new forms of IT acquisition and innovative policies.

This WP investigates the use of service design methods and assesses how service design may enable co-creation of public value. The WP aims to document various service design techniques and methods and examine the use of service design in practice through case studies within public services dealing with vulnerable groups, such as elderly care, welfare and social services. The case studies focus on how service design may enable and enhance co-creation of public value. The WP specifically analyses the potential impact and limitations of service design approaches as means for co-creating public value. The WP aims to make essential contributions to the overall objectives of the project by integrating findings from empirical studies on co-creation of value through service design with theories on public value and PSDL.

The WP investigates the concept and method of innovation and living labs and how innovation and living labs and other participatory and experimental methods are used to enable value co-creation based on co-innovation of public services. Case-studies are provided that can generate knowledge about how innovation and living labs are used to bring actors together and carry out citizen-based innovation in real-life settings while also contributing to public value generation in terms of overall service quality and efficiency, public trust and social inclusion. The WP analyses the structures and tools of innovation and living labs and how they are integrated into public administration in different ways across Europe. WP5 aims to contribute to co-creation research by exploring how new institutional arrangement are provided to ensure an experiential and citizen-based approach to service development in the context of public administration, and the kind of institutional work that must be provided to transform public services in a sustainable way within a PSDL framework.

This workpackage aims to: (i) Map the existence of PSINs experiences across the different European countries; (ii) Analyse a certain number of cases of PSINs in the different European countries; (iii) Define the theoretical implications for SDL and multiagent frameworks; (iv) Define and measure the managerial and political implications from PSINs cases.

WP7 aims to ensure that the work carried out by other WPs is translated into policy action during the project and after its end.

WP7 periodically produces a set of policy briefs that summarize the value of the findings of the project research activities, including concrete recommendations for policy makers. WP7 acts as a feedback loop from the community of policy-makers towards the research community, in order to ensure maximum relevance.

WP8 aims to ensure information sharing and knowledge flows between the research and policy community. The idea is that stakeholders can be engaged since the very early stages of the project to participate in the coproduction of the ideas, approaches and policy outcomes of the project. It aims to enrich the research findings form other WPs with a practice-led perspective on “what works”. To this end, the WP aims to create a database of good practices based on the “what works approach”. It will also create a research database to make sure that there is easy access to specific expertise from both practitioners and researchers. Both databases (good practice and research) will have a global approach by reaching out and involving top researchers and practitioners globally.

WP9 aims to ensure the recommendations developed in WP7 are translated into policy action by tracking at very granular level what Member States are doing. This WP aims to develop a policy tracker that will enable collaborative monitoring of what governments are doing in implementing co-creation policies.

WP10 aims at disseminating the project results and creating awareness towards the scientific and policy community, stakeholders in general, practitioners and citizens. Co-VAL aims to carry out traditional, large-scale dissemination and communication activities, online and offline.

This work package  provides support for the successful implementation of the project, through strong coordination and continuous monitoring and reporting.