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3rd Co-VAL Plenary Meeting in Konstanz

Co-VAL > Blog > Events > 3rd Co-VAL Plenary Meeting in Konstanz
3rd Co-VAL Plenary Meeting In Konstanz

The 3rd Co-VAL Plenary Meeting will take place in Konstanz (Germany) from the 26th to the 28th of September 2018. The main objectives of the Meeting are the following:

  • Ensure partner responsibilities, activities and tasks outputs are aligned;
  • Clarify open questions to be answered;
  • Review of the time plan and delivery in due time of the planned deliverables;
  • Determine key priorities for the next phase of the project;
  • Agree on a detailed plan for the next months of the project.

The meeting will last two days and will be hosted by the University of Konstanz, partner of the project and responsible for WP3 – Digital transformation of public administrations.