Studying co-creation notion and its practical examples often leads us to previous work we find interesting and inspiring, and we believe it’s important to share. Today, we would like to show off the work of Dorthe Hedensted Lund, PhD, a senior researcher at the Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, from the University of Copenhagen, as published in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration [Vol 22, No 2 (2018)].
The article aims to define the term “co-creation” and showcase what this concept means for democracy in urban governance. The article runs though the way public administration has changed based on participation centred processes on rights and power, providing both theoretical and practical examples. In addition, it presents different roles of participants within the urban planning processes, mainly focusing on what planners, public authorities and citizens take on. The article concludes with some thought-provoking questions regarding the implications of wanting citizens to co-create rather than participate, arguing for both sides, i.e. both the potential and the danger in substituting co-creation for participation in urban development.
You may download the full article here.
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