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Save the Date: The 30th RESER International Congress and Co-VAL Conference will be held in Madrid, on June 18th – 19th 2020!

Co-VAL > Blog > Events > Save the Date: The 30th RESER International Congress and Co-VAL Conference will be held in Madrid, on June 18th – 19th 2020!

The Co-VAL project and the European Association for Research on Services (RESER) join forces at the 30th RESER International Congress: Co-creation and Innovation in the New Service Economy (June 18th – 19th 2020) by organising the ‘Co-VAL Conference: Value Co-creation, Innovation and Digital Transformation in Public Services’ on June 18th 2020, in the University of Alcalá, in Alcalá, Madrid, Spain.

Nowadays, public sector transformation requires thinking of inclusive ways of citizen engagement. The traditional view of top-down and supply-driven public administrations is no longer appropriate for the creation of public value. There is a need for a demand-driven design of public services that incorporates the opportunities, provided by new technologies, for the effective engagement of citizens and organisations. Value is increasingly co-created through the involvement of all stakeholders in multiple phases of the service process: Co-planning, co-design, co-implementation, co-delivery, and co-evaluation. This process can transform public administrations. As a result, a new research agenda is needed in order to help unlock this transformative power.

The 30th RESER Congress co-hosts the Co-VAL Conference in an effort to create synergies between the two communities, to better understand the latest trends in public service research towards an authentic transformation of public administration in Europe and worldwide.

The conference builds on the work undertaken by Co-VAL on value co-creation and innovation in European public administrations and will be furthermore organised around the following tracks:

  • Track 1: Value co-creation in public services
  • Track 1b: Value co-creation in private services
  • Track 2: Service innovation and innovation ecosystems in services
  • Track 3: Digital transformation in public services
  • Track 4: Measuring value co-creation and innovation in services
  • Track 5: Service design and co-creation methods for services
  • Track 6: Living-labs and co-creation spaces for services
  • Track 7: Servitization, smart services and industry 4.0
  • Track 8: Services globalization and trade
  • Track 8b: Economic geography of services
  • Track 9: New paths in services research: digitalization and jobs
  • Track 10 Practitioners track: Policy actions and cases for public sector transformation

Stay tuned for more information about the submission of papers and the Conference’s registration details and agenda!