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Presentations, Policy Brief & Video of the 2021 Digital Government Summit are available!

Co-VAL > Blog > Resources > Presentations, Policy Brief & Video of the 2021 Digital Government Summit are available!
2021 Digital Government Summit, Co-Creation Compass, Co-VAL

We would like to personally thank everyone who joined the 2021 Digital Government Summit: Creating Services Together. We have had already outstanding feedback from many participants, who enjoyed the chance to hear such fascinating insights on how co-creation and design thinking are making European Public Services human-centric. A big thank you as well to all that interacted with us during the 2021 Digital Government Summit and shared their thoughts through our online channels.

A very special thanks to Commissioner Johannes Hahn, Sandy Speicher, and Greek Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis for sharing their wisdom so generously and bringing so many unique points of reflection to this debate. A big thanks also David Osimo who launched the 2021 Co-Creation Compass, a high-level policy brief, intended to spread best practice and collate the growing body of evidence about what works – and what serves citizens best.

Last but not least, we want to thank Erica Melloni, Lise Hellebø Rykkja, Keith Shaw and Anna Triantafillou for contributing their research insights.

As there have been several requests for copies of the interactive policy brief and slides, you can download them at the following links:

Below you can also re-watch and share the keynote speeches from the 2021 Digital Government Summit of Johannes Hahn, Sandy Speicher, and Kyriakos Pierrakakis.