Co-VAL was successfully completed after more than three years of intensive research on public service co-creation. The project presented successfully its final research results at its closing event, hosted online, on April 21st 2021. The event, titled ‘2021 Digital Government Summit: Government in the Service of Citizens – How ‘Co-Creation’ and Design Thinking Are Making European Public Services Truly Human Centric’ marks the culmination of over three years of research to provide policy recommendations for transformative strategies that integrate the co-creation of value in public administrations.
During this event, European Commissioner Johannes Hahn offered insights on the plans and priorities of the European Commission in public administration, CEO of the global design and innovation firm IDEO Sandy Speicher showed how the most advanced design thinking is being used to address social challenges worldwide, and Greek Minister of state and digital governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis discussed how the Greek government has radically improved digital service delivery to citizens during the Covid-19 pandemic.
In addition, Co-VAL together with the Lisbon Council launched two new Policy Briefs:
- ‘The 2021 State of Co-Creation: Delivering Services Together’, an in-depth analysis of the state of co-creation in the 27 European Union member states, the United Kingdom and six leading cities, including Amsterdam, Athens, Madrid, Milan, Paris and Turin. In specific, this Policy Brief analyses the findings of the Co-Creation Dashboard, a unique online tool for collating and mapping key initiatives on digital government and co-creation across EU member states, the United Kingdom and leading municipalities
- ‘The Co-Creation Compass: Creating Public Value Together: From Research to Action’, a high-level policy brief, intended to spread best practice and collate the growing body of evidence about what works – and what serves citizens best. Drawing on the combined research of the projects Co-VAL project, TROPICO, COGOV, ENLARGE, and CITADEL, the paper calls for a Copernican Revolution in public service, putting citizens first and using modern management practices to co-define and co-deliver new services with them.
Last but not least, during the second week of May 2021, the Co-VAL project together with the Lisbon Council launched the Digital Government MetaMonitor (beta version). Using almost 100 different sources, ranging from national digital government dashboards to yearly reports by service providers, the Digital Government MetaMonitor currently assembles data from Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, unveiling the produced overview of countries’ monitoring efforts regarding digital government uptake.
The data availability is summarised in a MetaIndex, which considers the completeness, update frequency and machine readability of uptake data on five key digital service topics: eID, ePayment, Messaging, Transparency and General Digital Services by different stakeholder groups.
You can download all the project’s Policy Briefs here and learn more about the Digital Government MetaMonitor here.