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digital government summit

Join us at the 2021 Digital Government Summit on April 21st!

We would like to invite you to the high-level digital government summit, ‘Government in the Service of Citizens – How ‘Co-Creation’ and Design Thinking Are Making European Public Services Truly Human Centric’, organised by the Lisbon Council and the Co-VAL project, on Wednesday April 21st, at 15h00-17h00 CEST. During this event, experts from five flagship […]

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co-creation, design thinking, public services, policy brief, Co-VAL

New Co-VAL Policy Brief: Co-Creation of Public Services: Why and How

“Co-creation” and “design thinking” are trendy themes – the topic of innumerable conferences and a growing number of academic papers. But how do we turn co-creation into a reality for Europe’s 508 million citizens? In Co-Creation of Public Services: Why and How, Co-VAL’s new Policy Brief, co-authors Francesco Mureddu and David Osimo propose a ten-step roadmap for delivering genuinely user-centric digital […]

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co-creation summit, high-level summit

High-Level Summit on ‘Co-Creation’ and ‘Design Thinking’

“Co-creation” and “design-thinking” have captured the imagination of many, but public administrations around Europe sometimes struggle to turn them from a trendy idea into a reality for their citizens. Against this backdrop, the Lisbon Council brought together leading experts, top civil servants think tankers, and policymakers to convene the High-Level Summit on ‘Co-Creation’ and ‘Design Thinking’. The […]

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