Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The main beneficiaries are the students of the university. The university has three campuses in Hungary, which are located in Budapest, Orosháza, and Székesfehérvár. It has full-time, part-time, and distance education programs, primarily at BSC level, however, some MSC programs and further education short programs are also offered mainly on the field of humanities and management, both in Hungarian and English. Inner stakeholders are the university leadership and staff. As an outside stakeholder, the Hungarian Accreditation Committee can also be mentioned, responsible for the accreditation process of all Hungarian universities, mostly because of its expressed interest in the SD development concept.

Co-creation process

The university engaged with the SD development project inspired by an SD workshop of the consulting company. The company brought its expertise on SD-based assessment and service-improvement and through the project they refined their tool for the university. The lead consultant educated the university leadership about the SD concept and reported the results in written reports and presentations. The project measured students’ LX with an SD methodology-based questionnaire (created and validated in previous research and updated after the first data collection) and provided an overview through customer satisfaction index (CSI) and net promoter score (NPS). Students were asked about the importance of certain touchpoints as well as how good their experience is with those touchpoints. Additionally, open questions were also offered to gain further insights. After the 2017 data collection, an SD workshop was organized with four groups using inspirational board, montage, and value proposition canvasing. Results of the assessment were brought further and got implemented by the Welfare Cabinet that involved students mainly from the student board.

Digital Transformation Process

Not applicable.

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Survey results provide feedback for teachers and staff at the university. Educational material about SD, the questionnaires, and the survey reports are accessible via the Moodle system for all the teachers and university staff. The reports had been discussed in meetings of several departments as well. Changes have been implemented based on the 2017 survey, including:
  • Thematic weeks: The new thematic week system (previous educational innovation) was not at all well taken by students: it was perceived as meaningless and forceful, not taking into consideration students’ working life outside of the university. The concept of the weeks was completely redesigned.
  • Distance learning programme: Many students choose the university because of its distance learning programme, however, they got more and more dissatisfied with several features of the programme. While earlier online materials available for full-time and part-time students had been separated from those available for participants of distant learning programs, this limitation was lifted and online consultations had been recorded. The university plans to produce more pre-recorded and edited online materials in the future and has already organized Skype training for teachers.
  • Administrative services: Based on the results both the Study Office and the Welfare Cabinet revised some of their administrative processes.
The 2019 report contains a comparison to 2017 results. The overall, institutional-level NPS changed from -9 to +18, while NPS for the second degree also changed from -12 to +10.

Challenges & Bottlenecks

The primary problematic aspect was the scarcity of free time for workshops and further investigation that could give explanations for the survey results received. Difficulties in the inclusion of educators in the problem-solving process are quite problematic, as the essence of the method can get lost if not every party is represented and engaged in the process. However, some colleagues of the university feel the project unnecessary and expect the consulting company to solve the existing issues. The survey fill-out rates are to be improved for better overview and engagement.  A challenge during the implementation process is that students’ expectations are controversial: while they demand practical approaches in education, they often resent creative tasks and group works, making it unclear how to step forward in this question. The deeper involvement of students might start a tendency of complaining, thus, it is very important to “direct” these co-creation events so that they contribute to development, keeping a positive and proactive stance. If the opinion of smaller groups gains more attention, it might lead to a bias – this should be avoided, too.

Transferability & Replicability

The initial assessment has been repeated in 2019 at the university and the continuation of the development process is expected. As the consulting company’s LxLab (Learning Experience Lab) service is dedicated to educational Lx projects, further cooperation of the higher education sector and the business sector is possible.

Success Factors

One of the main success factors is the engagement of the university’s leadership, especially the vice-rector for education, who acted as an initiator and owner of the project. Another important factor was the trustful relationship between the vice-rector and the lead consultant. The external professional expertise and the internal organizational support for change, carried out mostly by the Welfare Cabinet leader, were a great combination to make focused improvements in students’ Lx happen.

Lessons learned

Through the project and the SD methodology, the university learned about hidden aspects of students’ learning experiences, enabling university staff to come up with improvement ideas they had not been able to do themselves. The project itself points to the importance of a dedicated and united leadership front that can engage and include the staff and studentship of the university and an external partner that is familiar with impactful service development methodologies but are familiar with the sector’s unique characteristics and context. Quick wins regarding first implementations also seemed to support the continued commitment to the project.

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries: Járókelő is the Hungarian translation for “passer-by”, it refers to any citizen who is walking by and can be able not only to see an urban problem or malfunction, but also to report it in an easy and efficient way. Other group of beneficiaries are the local governments and other service providers (e.g. public transport companies). Járókelő has now more than 40 volunteers, mainly from the younger generation. There are monthly meetings for the volunteer administrators/ case managers.The association developed a volunteer recruiting and selection process in 2018.

Co-creation process

Járókelő created a fully citizen-centric and community driven internet-based service to strengthen active citizenship, democratic participation, and improve urban management. Járókelő is a mediator between civilians and authorities, so basically it created a new process for collecting and sending complaints, which had an impact on the whole system of fixing street problems. The employees of local municipalities tend to use their map application on the website. There are some local governments that indicate for citizens as their official forum of reporting street problems.

Digital Transformation Process

The innovation Járókelő realized is complex and practice-based (bricolage). The solution included not only the internet platform, but a process design, knowledge base, marketing and organisational innovation. By its digital solution Járókelő partly substituted prior co-production practices as well as some of the functions of the public organisations. Technology can enable citizen engagement. Platforms like Járókelő and others are tools that can have a positive impact on strengthening democratic institutions, transparency, accountability and foster public participation in public life. Járókelő functions as a bridge between citizens and local authorities in the common need to solve immediate problems in the built environment. As most of the problems reported are easy to fix, local governments can easily give a positive response to citizens.

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Járókelő has grown considerably over the years since it started, nowadays it has reached around 20.000 visitors per month and registers 30 to 50 complaints per day in Budapest alone. Jarokelo has more than 9.000 registered users and more than 25.000 cases solved (as May 2019, approx. 2/3 of the reported cases are sold). Járókelő is often a „speeding lane”, so problem reporters experience quicker response. The positive experience encourages citizens to make further reports. Citizens monitor each other’s report, transparency is growing. The whole venture has not only grown in terms of the number of visits and reports but also in terms of the number of locations in Hungary such as Debrecen, Kecskemét, Veszprém, Szeged and Szentendre, cities that have joined the system. When the platform was launched, municipalities were unprepared for such an engagement, did not fully understand the platform and how it could be beneficial for them. As many of the municipalities lack the capacity of innovation to make their services more efficient and user-friendly, Járókelő can provide a platform that helps their work. Therefore, similarly to many other civic tech platforms, Járókelő can create a win-win scenario, building up trust between local governments and citizens, and improving public spaces. Nowadays Járókelő is more and more accepted as a trusted partner by public service providers.

Challenges & Bottlenecks

Creating the financial background of the association is the biggest risk ever since Járókelő is functioning. Financial resources come from donor organisations (for-profit companies). The Association can plan their budget and operation only year after year. There is a slight risk that the government may introduce a one-stop notification system regarding public complaints, and this way Járókelő could lose its mediator role between civilians and authorities. There is also a little risk, that thanks to technological developments the local governments will have more and more user friendly ways of communication, so Járókelő’s platform may be superfluous. There is also a risk of emerging competitors e.g. a Swedish company trading with crowdsourced online streetmaps. Cooperation with most local governments and public service providers is well-functioning, but cooperation with local authorities has not always been easy. In many cases, municipal offices have been reluctant to cooperate with Járókelő. It really depends on the actual place and the people working in these offices.

Transferability & Replicability

The system can easily adapt to other Hungarian cities. Járókelő plans to develop its system to other Hungarian cities as well, for this they would need other paid coordinators, who could keep the contact with the volunteer case managers on the countryside. So the plan is to increase incomes in order to be able to finance new full-time employees.

Success Factors

Institutional factor: obligation for co-production on part of the public organisations is coded in Act CLXV of 2013 (dealing with complains and public interest disclosures). Even though in Hungary the Act CLXV 2013 deals with complaints and public interest, each city and district deals with them in a different way because the regulations of how to deal with those issues are actually made locally. Járókelő has now more than 40 volunteers, mainly from the younger generation (between 16 and 43 years). They work as web developer and case manager. The volunteers are typically students, free-lancers, have jobs with flexible schedule.  The Association has a well-developed volunteer recruiting and selection process. The IT system is constantly developed and the website is easy-to-use.

Lessons learned

Digital technologies can substitute traditional co-production practices (e.g. remote monitoring or predictive algorithms). The platform of Járókelő provides an easy-to-use technology for citizens, where the reporting users can track and monitor the problem solving process. Furthermore digital technologies can eliminate public sector organisations from co-production (e.g. self-serving communities). The citizens do not need to know which organisation (local authority or a public service provider) is competent to solve a given problem. This knowledge is provided by the Járókelő.hu.

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The main beneficiaries of BAGázs live in the segregated Roma settlements of Bag (400 people) and Dány (600 people) in Central Hungary. A survey conducted by the Association in 2017 showed that the local community is far from homogeneous and the households vary greatly from one another, but the fundamental characteristics of segregated areas still fundamentally define the lives of the communities. Less than half of the adults living in the slum have not finished primary school. Of these, one quarter are most likely illiterate, having failed to complete even the first two grades. It is presumably linked to the low level of education that despite nearly half of slum residents having regular work, the average net income is 227.54 EUR (72,000 HUF) per months, and in some families, due to the high number of children, per capita income is far below average. The most pressing problem in the Roma slums in Bag and Dány today is the spreading and pervasive use of designer drugs. The work of BAGázs extends beyond the segregated settlements to the local village communities and to the level of society. The Association build relationships and cooperation with local institutions: local governments in Bag and Dány, kindergarten and primary school in Bag, family and child welfare services, police. ‘Parent Group for Our Hometown’ (SzöSz: Szülői Összefogás Szülőfalunkért) is a citizens’ initiative in Bag. They work with BAGázs from Summer 2018, and they play an important role to getting to know and accept the Work of BAGázs in the village. One of the most important aspects of BAGázs method is the high number of committed volunteers supported the professional work. In the beginning (2011) yearly 20-30 volunteers supported the professional work, in 2018 they have more than 100 volunteers per year.

Co-creation process

BAGázs is working to eliminate socio-cultural disadvantages of Roma people living in these segregated settlements. This can only be achieved if they jointly set up changes in the community of the settlements and in the majority society. The Association seeks to make the Roma people more capable, while at the same time sensitising and making more accepting the people belonging to the majority society. The program structure consists of 8 programs: mentoring for children, free-time activities, summer camp, women’s club, legal clinic and debt management, job hunt, adult education program, mentoring for adults, family consultation. The programs are based on local needs, so they are constantly evolving and adapting to the community. Most of the programs are organised by volunteers, so they are directly involved in professional work. The development of the BAGázs method is the result of a multi-year learning process that resulted in a complex program structure based on holistic, multi-level approach. The learning process is very reflective and conscious based on continuous assessment of experiences and results. Some program elements were largely modified during the last years (e.g. mentoring), and some elements have been omitted (e.g. small garden program or sport program). During the planning and implementation of the different programs the BAGázs Association interact with many stakeholders (e.g. donors, local public institutions, local civil organisations). Many of them play a crucial role in the co-planning and co-production of the programs.

Digital Transformation Process

Not applicable.

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

BAGázs started a social enterprise in 2016, which can be a useful additional element to the core activity of the association. BAGázs Bazaar consits of a mobile and a regular charity shop and a community centre in Budapest.  In Bagázs Bazaar they do not only recycle used clothes but are also able to provide job opportunities to people from the settlements. This way they can gain experience and prepare for entering the labour market. BAGázs Bazaar is also a Community Centre. By opening a community space in Budapest, the Association is broadening the horizon of the volunteer work, while providing further programs for underprivileged children. Main results in numbers:
  • permanent presence in 2 Roma settlements (Bag, Dány);
  • a complex program structure consisting of 8 programs for children and adults, 75% of families in the slums participated in these programs;
  • 15 paid employees (9 full-time, 6 part-time employees);
  • in 2018 more than 100 volunteers are trained and involved in their programs to bring new patterns to the closed communities;
  • more than 200 Roma participants.

Challenges & Bottlenecks

The public social service system in Hungary is very fragmented, the colleagues of public institutions in this sector (e.g. case managers of the Guardianship Offices) are often overburdened, the prestige of social work is low, and therefore the lack of appropriate professionals is typical. The long-term finance is also a crucial question for the Association, they try to find more regular supporters. The relationship with local governments in Bag and Dány is not always supportive. Manifestations of antigypsyism, including hostility, prejudice and discrimination specifically directed at Roma combined with stereotypical portrayals of Roma constitute the predominant narrative in all majority society.

Transferability & Replicability

Together with the local social care system and municipalities, the BAGázs is working to solve problems together. As an independent NGO, the BAGázs feels responsible for addressing systemic issues and making changes in related professional areas. Presenting in the press and social media in order to gain more publicity and at the same time strengthen the potential for change within the Roma community.

Success Factors

The BAGázs supports entire families through individual and group programs. In the last years 75% of the families in the slums participated in these programs. There are also employees of BAGázs living in the segregated settlements. Their training and development demonstrates the potential and credibility of change not only for individuals but for the community as a whole. Communication between the non-Roma residents in the villages and the segregated Roma communities is being strengthened, with the aim of presenting everyone’s point of view and providing a basis for co-planning and co-operation. Volunteers participate in the on-site professional work on a weekly basis. The personal and ongoing contact with Roma people gives the volunteers a deeper understanding of the complex problem, and also the personal experience of obstacles makes volunteers more sensitive, receptive.

Lessons learned

The innovative approach of BAGázs method is based on voluntary and bottom-up processes. During the planning and implementation of the different programs the BAGázs Association interact with many stakeholders (e.g. donors, local public institutions, local civil organisations). Many of them play a crucial role in the co-planning and co-production of the programs. The development of the BAGázs method is the result of a multi-year learning process. This process is very reflective and conscious based on continuous assessment of experiences and results. The BAGázs method can be interpreted as an interactive process of innovation.

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

There are several examples where PwC Experience Centers engaged multi-stakeholders and served as platforms where users/citizens could express their needs and wants of certain products/services. In the Lombardy case, for instance, in addition to the co-creation session PwC helped organize a call-for-feedback session, where Lombardy citizens were able to submit their opinions on the new public portal. Through this process, the Regione Lombardia could collect responses and better understand the fundamental issues of the application based on the user experiences. Another example, the Meet Sweden project pioneered by the PwC Stockholm Experience Center in partnership Swedish Industrial Design Foundation (SVID) and Swedish public agencies, highlights how the public sector is growing increasingly interested in the role of users/citizens in service model development. Asylum seekers in Sweden often struggle with long and arduous processes when trying to resettle and legally immigrate to Sweden. Information is lost between multiple visits to disjointed public organizations and refugees does not feel in control of their own asylum journey. To remedy some of these issues, PwC Stockholm brought together private and public actors as well as the migrants themselves at the Experience Center to participate in co-creation sessions and generate human-centric solutions. Assessing the needs of the migrants was essential when developing the layout and in-app design features in the Meet Sweden mobile application. As a result, the participants jointly created a new mobile application that streamlines the asylum process and saves time, money, and energy of all involved actors. This is just one project where livelihoods were improved based on co-creation design thinking and it exposes the potentialities of Experience Centers in enhancing public service delivery models.

Co-creation process

Through iterative activities at the Centers, including group brainstorming in the Sandbox rooms, usability tests of company products and design thinking exercises, PwC works jointly with the public sector, its providers and the citizens to develop approaches that align with the above pillars. PwC intentionally outfits each Experience Center with adjustable, client-friendly workspaces and focuses on developing efficient and agile solutions. While Centers in every country belonging to the PwC network abide to a shared set of methodologies and approaches, each has its own focus and peculiarities. PwC structures each physical space differently to match regional and cultural characteristics. One example is the PwC Rome Experience Center. Inside the Center, there are flexible spaces with adjustable walls and moveable tables to accommodate activities organized for and with clients. It has a work café with objects of Italian design to create a familiar environment conducive to make people unwind and spur a positive ideation and reflection process. Additionally, the interactive technology and writeable walls incorporated in the central Sandbox meeting room offer clients unique spaces for meetings, workshops, and trainings with PwC UX design and technology professionals. The Testing Lab and Observatory Room include a unidirectional mirror so clients can carry out usability tests and observe real time client reactions to services/products. The Rome Experience Center also has AI technology, 3D printing, and contemporary digital programming to collaborate with clients in the development of prototypes.

Digital Transformation Process

Scholars envision Living Labs as the generators of concrete, tangible innovations based on contributions from users and communities, rather than just simply functioning as brainstorming spaces. The PwC Experience Centers propel forward several iterations of innovation by recruiting diverse job profiles, applying co-creation methodologies, and prioritizing the human experience in all project designs. Dynamism and functionality are consistent features across all PwC Experience Centers and this allows innovation to manifest in a variety of ways at different stages in the development process. Namely, we will detail out how the Experience Centers incite business model innovation for its public sector clients, and how they understand service/product and touch point innovation throughout the design process. Innovation is transient across levels and, at PwC Experience Centers; it is contingent on the end goals of the client.

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

PwC Experience Centers’ principal objective is to bring together customers and businesses in dynamic spaces to establish business models that incorporate user feedback at all design stages. In occupying this intermediary role, Experience Centers help identify user needs and the root causes of customer dissatisfaction through co-creation processes so the resulting business model used by the client satisfies needs of end-users. This open-innovation environment attracts private companies and public organizations looking to modernize and transform the business-consumer service delivery relationship. Their human-centric nature makes these spaces distinct and helps concentrate varied perspectives and problem solving tactics in a central meeting location. In joint collaboration with other stakeholders, PwC helps clients rethink their mission and generate innovate business models to meet end users’ needs. By asking questions centered on how to alter current business practices for greater customer satisfaction, clients can identify areas for growth and ultimately find a new path forward. The PwC promoted business models are considered innovative, especially for the public sector, given that they reconfigure the model to meet new objectives established based on consumer input. Thus, by enabling conscious changing of an existing business model or the creation of a new business model, clients can strategically elevate models to better satisfy the needs of the customer. The associated organizational structures and methods for service/product delivery reflect a shift in mindset of the client and focus on impact and growth.

Challenges & Bottlenecks

Typically, larger organizations have more rigid organizational hierarchies and learned cultural habits, which can make implementation of flexible methodologies difficult. The objective of the PwC Experience Centers are to function as testbeds and incubators for entrepreneurial design thinking and help PwC evaluate hybrid/agile managerial approaches to public sector challenges, in-house. By having the Centers operate in this way, PwC can overcome organizational challenges and share niche-consulting expertise gathered through Center activities to internal PwC consultants. This sort of ‘Agile Desk’ unit of PwC is transformative for internal work cultural – both enhancing workflow and teaching nuanced strategies for managing client relationships. There is a tri-fold benefit from PwC Experience Centers as clients, their customers, and PwC, learn and improve from the co-creation sessions and find solutions to broad, complex problems.

Transferability & Replicability

The PwC Experience Centers can also serve as intermediaries and network enablers between actors that have struggled to communicate productively. According to researchers James Stewart and Sampsa Hyyaslo in their analysis of the role of intermediaries in the development and appropriation of new technology, intermediary organizations, such as PwC, configure the users and involved actors yet maintain a position of separation from the decided end use of the technology. This enables intermediaries to influence through workshops and co-creation sessions, however, the participants have the final decision-making power. Thus, as an intermediary PwC drives the new partnerships through six key “bridging activities” (Bessant and Rush 1995):
  • Articulation of needs, selection of options
  • Identification of needs, selection training
  • Creation of business cases
  • Communications, development
  • Education, links to external info
  • Project management, managing external resources, organizational development
When broken down further, it essentially tasks the intermediary with enabling transfer of knowledge, sharing knowledge across the user community, brokering to a range of suppliers, and diagnostic/innovation – trying to identify what end users actually want. These tasks are driven by three main social learning roles occupied by the intermediary: facilitators, configurers, and brokers. In the PwC context, Experience Centers are living out these archetypes as they bridge gaps between customers, companies, and the public sector. In practice, we have seen the importance of PwC occupying this intermediary role and facilitating critical client-customer interactions at the Centers. Contamination of approaches between the private and public sectors, knowledge transfer, and elevated understanding of shared challenges are just a few of the benefits in having PwC as an intermediary network enabler.

Success Factors

Social learning and/or contamination of techniques/approaches during interactions at PwC Experience Centers is another key way that public value is realized. Social learning refers to two simultaneous, complementary, and intertwined processes: innofusion (Fleck, 1988) and domestication of technology (Sørensen, 1996). Fleck defines innofusion as the innovation that takes place during the diffusion of new technology amongst participants. In this phase, users discover their needs and wants through a process of technological design, trial, and exploration. The other component, domestication of technology, addresses the pre-existing “heterogeneous network of machines, systems, routines and culture.” Essentially, it recognizes how cultural consumption habits influence user behavior and underlines the value of incorporating users’ creativity in product design processes. For PwC Experience Centers, a transfer of co-creation approaches and design thinking techniques to its participants is valuable for ensuring sustainability of solutions and enabling shared sponsorship to anticipate possible resistance to project implementation. Additionally, there is a cross contamination of techniques between participants as they originate from diverse backgrounds and bring to the workshops different views for how to solve problems. In this process, divergence in ideas and incorporation of distinct actors allows critical knowledge transfer that often precludes innovation and helps identify overlapping challenges. Outcomes generated from co-creation activities at the Centers have included the use of private sector business models by public organizations. By seeing the design elements of private sector models implemented by PwC, clients can interpret and apply similar structures in their own operations – thus initiating a transfer of proven strategies between private and public actors.

Lessons learned

Living Labs play a critical role in displaying the mutual value of co-creation approaches for public and private actors. In the public sector, there is a hesitancy to welcome consumer engagement throughout the service design process. Governments and public organizations are fearful that actively seeking consumer input is too cost and time intensive and are unaware of the potential benefits for engaging customers in the earlier design stages. Therefore, it is essential to understand the PwC Experience Centers’ role in helping enable public-private mutual understanding and fostering innovative co-creation solutions. They add value by acting as a platform for idea exchange between all actors, inciting and analyzing customer feedback, and promoting multi-perspective discourse. The resulting improvement in services and increase in public value benefit the supply-side and user-side equally, and substantiates the importance of intermediaries in opening communication channels. It enables organizations and companies to explore how to improve their own services and/or processes with consumer engagement as the central focus and at the Centers they can test, fail, retest, and optimize proposed strategies before actual implementation.

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

City inhabitants and their experiences are integral to co-creation methodologies. As aforementioned, co-creation’s human-centric and core structure that involves user-input is paving the way for nuanced multi-stakeholder interactions. It prioritizes the inclusion of all city inhabitants in order to guarantee mutually beneficial project outcomes and stronger community linkages. Co-creation projects, like the Rome Collaboratory, proactively and consciously valorise the role of users and city inhabitants, and they are changing the landscape of shared governance. The bi-cognitive institutions and the Rome Collaboratory activities, which produce connections leading toward effective and productive interventions, sustain the people engaged and empower communities. It is evident that the city inhabitants are driving the program content development and are central in the design process. In addition to the aforementioned bike tours, diffuse hotel, and Collaboration Day, the meetings during the co-creation process inspired a new Living Memory Exhibition and a Local Campaign for the districts. The exhibition plans to feature the artwork, photography, and musical talents of district residents and seeks to share their interpretation of cultural heritage with the public. Moreover, the Rome Collaboratory team will lead a tailored and streamlined communication campaign to give visibility to the district’s new projects and to promote use of digital applications. In working with community members and local actors across the three districts, there has been a significant increase in civic engagement and shared interest in the proposed revitalization projects.

Co-creation process

Living Labs and the associated methodologies are broadly defined – varying in purpose and function. The leading definition of a living lab is “innovation networks based on the philosophy of open innovation where users become equivalent to other participants” (Pop 2018). Within the OpenHeritage’s LL framework, the objectives of the Rome Collaborative are primarily to promote processes of adaptive reuse and sustainable management of cultural heritage. The Rome Collaborative and the five other Cooperative Heritage Labs are sites determined to have the potential to increase community engagement and build resiliency. The creation of the six LLs is part of the OpenHeritage’s broader objective to create a network built on two main pillars:
  • Open Knowledge – ensuring easy access the knowledge generated by the project including discoveries based on project outcomes and within the development process;
  • Open Space – creation of platforms for social cohesion and cultural management where views of different stakeholders (local actors/administrative professionals, financial partners, researchers, policymakers, civil society, and undeserved groups) are equally considered
The Rome Collaboratory is characterized as a living lab due to its co-creation approach for engaging in research and experimentation. It is a space that adds public value by operating as a platform for exchange of knowledge, tools, and ideas for innovative solutions.

Digital Transformation Process

As an innovation method, living labs are spaces where collaboration and multisided discussions are encouraged. They serve as platforms where differentiated approaches and nuanced methodologies are tested and ultimately proven incubators for nuanced strategizing in governance, private sector industry, and social enterprise. More precisely, it embodies, “an ecosystem approach in which end users and other stakeholders are involved in the development of an innovation over a long period of time, in a real-life environment, following an iterative process (Niitamo & Kulkki, 2006; Schuurman et al., 2012) applying multi-method, user-centric innovation research with a strong focus on user empowerment and real-world experimentation.” There are several examples of living labs across sectors, yet the focus of the LabGov and the Rome Collaboratory is to analyze the effects of co-city protocol in transforming culturally untapped areas in chosen European cities. The LUISS Roma Lab used LabGov’s Co-city protocol as the guiding methodology for the Rome CHL’s conceptualization sessions and communal brainstorming activities. The protocol consists of six phases 1) Cheap talking, 2) Mapping, 3) Practicing, 4) Prototyping, 5) Testing, and 6) Modelling. Each phase is a part of the overall objective to guide policymakers, researchers, and urban communities in co-governance experiences. The process is innovative in that it is an output of numerous field-experiments and investigations on patterns, transitions, and procedures within the public policy development process. It situates the city as an infrastructure that enables participatory approaches and aligns with the Open Knowledge and Open Guidance principles of the OpenHeritage project. Importantly, there is concrete evidence for the validity of the process due to its survival through and support from three consecutive public administrations in Italy.

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

In the context of the Rome Collaboratory, the inclusion of citizens’ ideas, desires, and needs, in the design and implementation phases of the revitalization project produces public value and varied approaches to governance. Further, the revitalization project specifically targets local public administrations, policymakers, civic organizations, residents, and social entrepreneurs, to ensure methodologies actively address the needs and wants of all future beneficiaries working in the public sector. The intention behind Rome Collaboratory spaces is rooted in the preconception of public value. This case example defines public value as the value an organization provides to a society and understands it in terms of the benefits it offers to society as a whole. It measures the value by how well it meets the public citizens’ inherent and changing needs. Therefore, to add value, the application of LL methodologies in the public sector has to generate outcomes that reflect the communities’ desires. This requires multi-actor engagement and resource pooling in preliminary stages and ultimately precludes shared governance strategies.

Challenges & Bottlenecks

In the context of the LUISS Roma Lab and the newly formed Rome Collaboratory, there is an evident transformation in how consumers are interacting with public services and a fundamental shift in the user-service relationship. Most notably, the integration of a quintuple helix model and the presence of living labs has translated into increased civic engagement and participation. Residents and end-users are not simply service recipients, rather they shape the delivery processes and actively contribute in co-governance sessions hosted at cooperative spaces. Insofar, this has raised the level of awareness of the challenges limiting the Centocelle district from attracting tourism and has reengaged the community. By having a stake in the adaptation process and providing input, the districts’ residents feel empowered to lead and it has resulted in an overall shift in perceptions of their role in the revitalization project. Fundamentally, these new models and theoretical applications are conducive to civic autonomy and localized management of shared resources.

Transferability & Replicability

The intended deliverables of Living Labs and co-creation methodologies more broadly, are to alter the existing service experience/relationship and to produce new techniques for governance interventions. Traditionally, governments and public organizations delivered services to users in a top-down manner – adapting policies with minimal external input. The LabGov co-city protocol and the subsequent co-cities including Co-Roma served as experiments for exploring new organizational mechanisms for public services. By positioning the city as a ‘shared urban commons’ the co-city approach disrupts the conventional services to end-user relationship. Therefore, delivery of services evolves and adjusts to meet the needs of citizens operating within these shared/co-governed spaces. The quintuple helix model, which is the concept of a public-private-commons partnership intended to overcome the division between public versus private management of the commons, gives relevance to the role of knowledge institutions. Different from the linear service experience, positioning civil society, universities, community organizations, local enterprises, and other knowledge institutions at the core of the model creates a new form of social contract. Complex challenges demand increasingly active and shared participation of urban authorities and local, civic, private, and community actors.

Success Factors

A key attribute of Living Labs as an innovative tool is their ability to produce new and/or enhance pre-existing networks. Often, living labs are conducive to new interactions and bring together actors to operate within both established and emerging networks. By hosting co-creation sessions, testing new co-governance strategies, or enabling actors to engage through new avenues, living labs are acting as intermediaries between innovators and the intended beneficiaries. As previously mentioned, the Rome Collaboratory is strategically designed to be human-centric and to keep city inhabitants’ needs at the core of the co-governance model. However, it is worth noting how preliminary networks developed by the LUISS Roma Lab and ENEA are interfacing with the new innovation spaces and are serving as baseline models for future co-governance networks. In particular, the pre-established co-city network and the Centoc’è  smart-city e-network are essential foundational networks that the Rome Collaboratory can replicate as it strives to develop a platform for crowdsourcing and collaboration between stakeholders.  The methodological protocol for the construction of urban neighbourhoods and collaborative communities (the co-city protocol) documents work in the field of theoretical and applied research on urban co-governance to summarize principles, techniques and solutions aimed at spreading urban cooperativism. The subsequent networks that have surfaced out of the establishment of these co-cities and the co-city protocol at large are transforming knowledge exchange practices.

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The users that are invited to participate in activities at the MEF DSII LL have different profiles and demographic backgrounds. The answer to the question of “who” are the end-users in the co-creation session varies according to the session’s objectives. The users, or customers, with different qualifications are included in the innovation processes based on their suitability to achieve the expected output. The MEF DSII LL utilizes the personas approach to profile the main distinctive features of the LL session participants. Regulatory and compliance, contract law, and technical/IT experts combined with the end user groups are some of the categories which are commonly involved in test experiments. The role and involvement of the users at the MEF DSII Living Lab is understood both as reactive informants as well as active co-creators (Dell’Era & Landoni, 2014). In the first use case (1), the users were involved in the MEF LL for implementation of top-down experiments, which are centered on the users and place users as the object of study. The MEF DSII ran a series of usability tests where the objective was to understand how a system should be used in order to produce optimal results. Different end users were asked: “Can you make sense of the tool? Did you experience any issues? Are there improvements needed for a user-friendly designed solution”? The project workers observed use of the products, identified problems and solutions with the engineers, and thought of ways to utilize different functionalities and properties of the IT system being studied. This methodology at the MEF DSII has proved successful when a technology/service relying on user feedback and acceptance has been tested. In such an occurrence, the MEF Living Lab allows collection, filtration, and transfer of all valuable end user ideas to the developers. In other co-creation sessions (2) stakeholders are called upon to participate in an interactive and empowering way, enabling them to become co-creators, and to go beyond user-centered approaches that only passively involve users. Partners are therefore identified with important consideration of active user involvement in order to determine who should be involved in the different innovation stages. Users, or customers, with different qualifications are included in the co-creation processes based on their suitability to achieve the expected output.

Co-creation process

The MEF LL approach strives for mutually beneficial outcomes based on the different project objectives. Overall, co-creation is understood as a form of 1) needs investigation and 2) as a tool to enhance productivity and stakeholder buy-in. MEF DSII LL’s focus is to have a physical location to invite other stakeholders and to support co-creation innovation. Co-creation activities are undertaken at the exploratory stage, where it is important to identify the needs and the “current state” of stakeholder interest as well as the operational background context. A preferred option to understand user needs is to prepare co-creation activities based on established definitions and understanding of the users and what they represent. This exercise translates into the definition of personas. These are fictional characters that represent specific types of customers. For instance, a persona could be “Marc – IT supplier.” Marc has a background in IT software development, has certain predefined personal and professional needs, he is introverted but has strong analytical skills. Persona examples are created based on preliminary investigation of the themes and common characteristics of the people that will take part of the co-creation sessions. This involves research to produce an overview of the current habits and practices of the targeted users. After understanding the user characteristics, one then engages in the process of discovering the latent needs and wants of the user. A specific focus is placed on the current problems they routinely face, taking into account the specific situations in which these problems occur. Here, sensitizing techniques are used to delve deeper into the users’ levels of knowledge – uncovering tacit and inherent needs and wants. This leads to the development of opportunities for the improvement of the users’ ‘current state.’ These materialize in possible ‘future states’ and originate from collective brainstorming, ideation, and co-creation techniques. Co-creation at the MEF DSII is also understood in terms of productivity. Despite the perception that deliberate and open discussion among all stakeholders may be time consuming, the real productivity gains resulting from co-creation exercises validate these nuanced methodologies.  During and after the co-creation sessions, there were positive outcomes from multi-stakeholder engagement. In fact, it became clear that the discussions organized inside the LL were settled faster and more smoothly simply by giving the opportunity to all the participants to work in a common space during a fix set of time.

Digital Transformation Process

To provide an example, in use case n° 1 of the Living Lab as a co-creation space facilitating multi-stakeholders collaboration and knowledge sharing we detail out the operations and outcomes of the Living Lab within the so-called “Cloudify NoiPA” project. The MEF DSII is undertaking a large project that, by 2020, aims to expand the number of public organisations it services to cover the entire Italian public administration staff. It is then paramount to involve the end users, which in this case are the other public organisations that currently depend on the payroll and HR services or are expected to do so in the near future, in the design process. The MEF DSII launched a series of multi-stakeholder co-creation sessions to collect their input. The involved participants were decision-makers from other public institutions (for example, representatives from the Italian police and the army). The goal was to collect their feedback on the functionality of the IT platform they use, including insight on what bugs, errors and other technological issues they would like to see improved and to better understand if their needs were being met. In this respect, the MEF DSII LL put into action a methodology for collecting user needs and produced a physical space that fostered different and varied forms of collaborative interaction to spur innovation. The overarching objective is to ensure that stakeholders from other public administrations buy into the programme. Ultimately, by strengthening their confidence in the process, stakeholders are more inclined to support the transformation programme throughout all phases of the “Cloudify NoiPA” project.

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The MEF DSII experiments in semi-real life context and tests its products to collect feedback about usability issues. To provide an example, the MEF DSII has forgone some usability tests in advance of the launch of its updated webpage portal. This portal, on top of sharing informative material to the constituents about the MEF DSII activities, has a specific webpage devoted to “self-provisioning” services. The ”self-provisioning” services are a type of delivery mode that allow the MEF DSII to enlarge the user base of its public administration “clients” in a cost efficient manner. The local and regional public administrations can select, configure, and start services themselves in a cloud environment where they have access to download software from the web portal. Self-provisioning allows users to have rapid access to a customized infrastructure through a self-service portal, thereby limiting installation and maintenance costs, and avoiding costly procedures for requesting and approving new software. Thus, seamless functionality of the portal is critical for incentivizing adoption of the services and the wider buy-in from targeted stakeholders. The MEF DSII carried out usability tests on the portal by inviting a representative set of users to surf the web portal in the “observation room” (pictured on the right). The test subjects were then provided with a personal computer and were requested to navigate the portal by performing a selection of given tasks. In doing so, the users interacted with the test moderator in a consistent and measureable manner. The front line staff employed the “speak aloud method,” advising the users to say out loud what he/she thought were the main obstacles when processing the tasks. This was intentionally used to prevent participants from taking a reflexive approach where they say what they think they are supposed to say rather than their first impression. In fact, by proctoring the usability test in the separate “observation room,” the MEF DSII designers were able to effectively record the natural feelings and reactions of the participants. The metrics used for the web-portal user navigation assessment were, 1) Efficiency, 2) Efficacy, 3) Satisfaction, 4) Learning ease, 5) Memorisation ease, and 6) Error management. Technical tinkering enabled users to diagnose and fix bugs and optimize the customer experience with assistance from engineers and frontline employees.

Challenges & Bottlenecks

Throughout the co-creation session, staff observed an initial resistance by the involved stakeholders when having to follow a certain structure and set of rules during discussions and negotiations. For some participants, embracing the discussion in a different way than conventional meeting styles made them hesitant, impatient, or dismissive. However, at the end of the co-creation session a collaborative behaviour emerged and participants gradually acted more like themselves. Seemingly less tangible, but still documented by participants during the co-creation session, was a heightened closeness with the other stakeholders. During the co-creation sessions users were more prone to finding a common ground with others and improved relationships proved to be a critical success factor. Ultimately, involvement and motivation in the process were both a pre-conditions to the co-creation session as well as a succeeding outcomes. Although involving users is only one factor among many that promotes co-creation in a LL, it is considered indispensable. Users at the MEF DSII LL were considered involved to the extent where their ideas were helping influence and develop others’ point of views. The success of such real-life collaboration, which aims to promote learning between different stakeholders, hinges on how the co-design process was orchestrated, facilitated, and managed.

Transferability & Replicability

The Living Lab is having an increasingly prominent role at the MEF DSII as Living Lab managers sponsor and promote its usage to external stakeholders. At the MEF DSII, front-end employees take over the role of coordinating the different groups of participants. They also establish and promote the emergence of close relationships between various participants. In this sense, MEF DSII Living Lab front-manager tasks and responsibilities go beyond the physical space of the Living Lab. Positive relationships outside of the lab preclude and guarantee successful co-creation sessions. For the MEF LL to be disruptive, strong alliances should be built with other stakeholders.

Success Factors

The public value and overall satisfaction generated from the MEF LL co-creation methodology is understood as a continuous and iterative value creation of services and products oriented for end users and prioritizes customer satisfaction. Initially a private consultancy provided co-designed and co-created solutions to the MEF DSII. In a context of contamination of approaches, the value seen in these methodologies in fulfilling customer satisfaction made the MEF DSII interested in establishing its own Living Lab at its own premises. This exemplifies the effect of contamination of approaches between private and public service offerings and delivery models crossing and blurring the differences. This is even more apparent in light of the shift, described in the New Public Management scientific literature, in how public services are increasingly inspired and managed according to private sector models. Public service providers are focusing on customer service and understand the centrality of the users as recipients of the services and holders of its public value.

Lessons learned

The Living Lab is having an increasingly prominent role at the MEF DSII as Living Lab managers sponsor and promote its usage to external stakeholders. At the MEF DSII, front-end employees take over the role of coordinating the different groups of participants. They also establish and promote the emergence of close relationships between various participants. In this sense, MEF DSII Living Lab front-manager tasks and responsibilities go beyond the physical space of the Living Lab. Positive relationships outside of the lab preclude and guarantee successful co-creation sessions. For the MEF LL to be disruptive, strong alliances should be built with other stakeholders. The facilitation of co-creation sessions requires competences which are highly contextual, anticipate the designer/manager needs and capabilities in stakeholder interactions and adjust to local settings. Due to the novelty of the MEF LL, there is still a need to hire a number of practitioners that possess the right skillsets in order to get the most out of the co-creation sessions. Attracting and retaining a broader range of practitioners that are trained in a varied set of methodologies such as co-design, co-implementation and co-assessment activities should be prioritized. Further, the stockpiling of institutional knowledge on User Research, Usability Testing, Design Thinking Workshop, Business Model Design, Change Management and Service Design is likely to produce skilfull judgments and facilitate meaningful interventions which are much needed.

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The transfer of the Living Lab from the countryside toward a metropole led to a new organization and the definition of 3 beneficiary targets. Erasme’s service offering is divided into three levels:
  • The first level concerns all digital projects carried by Lyon Metropole, with the Directorate of digital innovation and computer systems. Beneficiaries are the inhabitants that may be interested by a multiservice card or a better life in a smart city, for example.
  • The second level concerns diverse internal departments of Lyon Metropole for improving public services about child health, culture, transports, Public Service Houses, and so on.
  • The third level concerns the offer for external partners. It may be a municipality that seeks methodological support in the framework of a European programme. Or it may be private companies working for urban services, for example.
  • Co-creation process

    Since 1999, policy makers have imagined the Living Lab as a public service with a dedicated place and a team of experts in digital technologies at the service of local development. In this first stage (1999-2015), Erasme was used to work with museums (Muséolab programme) or teachers (ICT in education). When Erasme delocalized towards Lyon, in 2015, the Living Lab was at a mature stage with a strong experience. Since then, exhibitions are organized “outside the Lab” to mobilize inhabitants around some themes of public interest such as: culture, education, elder or poor people, smart city (urban regeneration, collective transport…). More than a Living Lab that mobilizes users to imagine new concepts or prototypes, Erasme claims to be a “Do Tank” to innovate and change urban life with digital technologies. The co-creation process is divided into two stages: the “Mix” and the “Lab”. This methodology has emerged from the long-term experience of the Living Lab since 1999.
  • The “Mix” is an event in which a specific place (museum, station, church, etc.) is “invested massively” by users for 2 or 3 days. It is a time to produce ideas and first prototypes but also a way for transforming organizations thanks to agile methods, collective intelligence and by creating contributive communities.
  • The “Lab” is a time for creating an innovative product or a digital service. Innovation requires a few weeks and sometimes several months for transforming prototypes into operational tools and services. Professional skills from diverse ecosystems are associated in neutral contexts and tests are realized in real life with end-users.
  • Digital Transformation Process

    Erasme Living Lab claims to be a “Use Laboratory” for the people and not a Lab dedicated to test digital technologies for new markets. Digital tools (software, device) are designed, prototyped, tested then developed in new technological device but to improve life of inhabitants in different public fields: culture, education, health, elderly, mobility and Smart City. The Living Lab mobilizes experts in culture and education but also in digital technologies, a mix of skills that creates a special alchemy to invent the museum of the future (Muséolab, Museomix, digital arts), digital workspaces for pupils, digital tools for aged people to keep in touch with their family, for example. The aim is to solve problems of inhabitants thanks to digital solutions but with a focus on public services, even if some innovations are developed with Start-ups or even with big firms of the region. More recently, Erasme Living Lab is working on the “SelfData project”, which makes it possible to invent services from citizens’ data while ensuring the security of the personal data beyond the requirements of the GDPR. Moreover, the “Grand Lyon Smart Data platform” ( makes it possible to co-create new urban services with users and private stakeholders. Lyon Metropole is also associated with the cities of Nantes and La Rochelle, in the west of France, to experiment the “Territorial SelfData”, a project launched with a national think tank called FING (New Generation Internet Federation) which is a leader in exploring the future of Internet and digital transition for people.

    Results, Outcomes & Impacts

    Co-creation workshops deal with four themes of public interest, which produced some services or products.
  • Culture (since 20 years): recent digital technologies were tested such as RFID, e-paper, Ubicomputing, Tangible interfaces, with the help of digital artists, in particular for a science and society museum (Musée des Confluences at Lyon).
  • Education (since 20 years): ICT education then e-learning environment for primary and secondary schools. The ENT (digital work environment) is open to teachers, pupils and their parents. Enriched year after year, it became a digital platform (
  • Seniors e-care (since 2005): A tool (Webnapperon) was prototyped and tested with the elderly in retirement homes for dependent people. Improved in 2011 in the framework of a European project to co-design with 15 users, a service called “Host-communication” was implemented with open source software to create a social network between the elderly, often alone and far from their family.
  • Services for people in social difficulty have been a new field of experimentation for Erasme since 2015: The aim was to rethink the “Public Service Houses” of the Metropole in particular to welcome foreigners who do not speak French and do not know their social rights.
  • Smart city is also a recent field of experimentation: All citizens are end-users that can test new products or services, such as mobility with public transports.
  • Challenges & Bottlenecks

    Challenges originated in the creation of Erasme Living Lab by political decision: in 1999, a Senator interested in ICT and Internet decided to create a place to foster digital tools in cultural and educational fields, in particular in the countryside (his electoral constituency), where innovations are scarce. The transfer of Erasme towards Lyon in 2015 was also a political decision, to invent a smarter urban life but also to create a new administration with common goals after the merge of Lyon Metropole and the Rhône Department whose missions were different. Bottlenecks are diverse. First of all, the Living Lab is a “service of missions” which has to find budget for/thanks to new projects each year. The budget instability is a problem to follow more and more projects with a small team of managers. Young researchers or experts are sometimes recruited with a fixed-term contract thanks to the ERDF funds or other national or regional project funds but skills and competencies disappeared at the end of the contract. The lack of budget and its instability are also a problem to create a dedicated place for the Living Lab. Even if mobile workshops in the city are a good solution to attract citizens to the experimentations, a dedicated place is necessary for the development and innovation stage when professionals from diverse ecosystems have to meet and share their competencies.

    Transferability & Replicability

    Diffusion of innovations is important for Erasme. For example, prototypes of the Muséolab were diffused in museums, even at an international scale. The table Museo Touch is commercialized by a private firm. In education, the digital platform is used by more and more educative institutions in France. As Erasme is the oldest Living Lab in France, the question of replicability is very important for the management team. As Erasme belongs to different networks, at a local, national or even European scale, the co-creation model called “the Mix” was experimented elsewhere. Moreover, the reputation of the Erasme team generates solicitations from other geographical areas, even from around the world for the ”Museum of the Future”. Internationally, Erasme is registered in networks such as the Arts Sciences Network, Enoll (in 2010) or EUROCITIES (from 2017). Nevertheless, as Erasme claims a value creation in the service of general interest, transferability of the co-creative approach (Mix, Lab) is not easy with economic ecosystems in the region. But the theme of Smart City opens the partnership to businesses even if big firms are not used to open innovation, open source or Creative Commons License. Once they agreed with these principles, big firms use Erasme as a training centre to co-creation methods for their own employees. Barriers to co-creation are step by step transformed in a way to diffuse co-creation methods in the economic ecosystem of Lyon urban region. The future creation of an “Augmented Third-Place for Urban Worlds” (Smart City, Smart Territory) by a collaboration with another Living Lab in Lyon (TUBÀ), the university and other institutions, is the result of the Erasme reputation acquired step by step since 20 years.

    Success Factors

    The success of Erasme Living Lab depends on diverse factors.
    • The management team is composed of engineers, designers, developers, makers who are familiar with open innovation methods, animation and project management. They share competencies with diverse creative and professional communities, all experts in a specific field (culture, education, technology, health…) at a local, regional or even national and international scales.
    • Established step by step during 20 years, the methodology of co-creation with users and stakeholders is proven: a first phase of “Mix” with users (from ideation to prototypes); a second phase of “Lab” with professionals and users (from prototypes to tests then development of an innovative product or service).
    • Education to the “right to fail” through a communication about “lessons from experience”. Because failures can be a source of value rather than a barrier to co-creation.
    • A Living Lab approach “out of the walls”, in public spaces with citizens rather than in a dedicated place, is a way to promote co-creation to the general public, digital artists or social innovators. But a dedicated place “as neutral as possible” is better for associating professional ecosystems such as big firms, creative start-ups or higher education institutions (design, digital coding, urban planning…).
    • Thanks to its 20 years of seniority, Erasme Living Lab is well identified by the metropolitan ecosystem, and even beyond the region.

    Lessons learned

    For the managers of Erasme, many Living Labs look more like Think Tanks. Erasme claims to be a “Do Tank” because the management team has the will to “make” without being so far a Fab Lab. Erasme is actually relying on existing Fab Labs to make some prototypes. End-users are invited to the co-creation process but at specific moments: 1) upstream in the ideation phase (one or two days) and the rapid prototyping phase (10 days); 2) downstream to test the prototypes. Between these two stages, time (several weeks even months) is given to private and public stakeholders for the development phase (further prototyping, tests, returns and iterations) of innovations that can be put on the market (diffusion phase). To be efficient during theses different stages, the Living Lab need a management team for maintaining a clear purpose (production of solutions and not only concepts and prototypes) and for offering a methodological accompaniment to users and stakeholders. But the respect of freedom in a “neutral” space or place is necessary in order to foster creativity, the emergence of disruptive ideas, and agility necessary for prototyping out of usual operating constraints. Paid professionals are a necessity to mobilize experts in the development phase, to be able to cross technical competences with artistic skills in dedicated domains (education, culture, health, smart city…). But the number of professionals have to be limited to maintain proximity among the stakeholders when it is necessary to obtain a consensus about the final product.

    Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

    The SIILAB was created by the DRJSCS and 15 other founders, from the social economy (association networks, social entrepreneurs networks, R&D institute for transfer of social innovations, a regional research and training chair), decentralised directorates from State services (social security, employment, housing, family allowances, environment, energy, social economy, statistics) and national public financial institutions. The Regional Directorate of Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion is the node of a larger network of public and private stakeholders that were used to work together but wished to improve their collaborative practices to create new solutions for digital and social inclusion. Beneficiaries are citizens that need social aids or at least inhabitants far from digital transformation of public services.

    Co-creation process

    The SIILAB charter sets out methods in order to «foster the emergence of territorial innovations (and) the evaluation of the impact of social innovations». The methodology follows 3 phases: 1) Co-design of public policies with users for their real needs ; 2) Prototyping and test of solutions; 3) Project development with agile methods. Specific tools inspired from design methodologies are used, such as «Lego games» as Icebreaker between people who come from diverse institutions with different professional mindsets. Other tools and co-creative methods are powered by the DITP (a governmental service for the transformation of administrations). A small team of managers and limited-term employees are in charge of co-creative workshops in a dedicated room equipped with mobile tables, large screens and software often forbidden in the French administration. The SIILAB team is beta-tester for these software, creates fact sheets for users and diffuses innovations on social medias. The SIILAB is a space which favours interactions between administrations and their stakeholders, that allows the “right to fail” and a collaborative work based on agility and a non-hierarchical organisation. Even if the stakeholders are first interested by the SIILAB to experiment new digital tools rather than creative methodologies, the Living Lab helps stakeholders to change their work habits to foster innovative projects.

    Digital Transformation Process

    The role of the SIILAB in the digital transformation is twofold: 1) exploring impacts of the administrative dematerialization on public agents and in particular on social workers in the region; 2) finding solutions for the digital inclusion of inhabitants whatever their social level and the territory where they live. Indeed, the national program Action 2022 aims at 100% administrative dematerialization in 2022 and at reducing the number of public officials: Internet has to become the main access to public services. But what will be the consequences in a region with a lot of inequalities? The SIILAB is a Living Lab for helping public agents with new digital practices, not only in the dematerialization of administrative requests but also to co-create new procedures beyond paper forms removal. Collaborative workshops were organised on the themes of end-users (digital vulnerability, reception in social centres), digital training of social workers or about authorised software (licences, security, hacking). To reduce the negative impacts of digital exclusion on fragile populations, the SIILAB designed and prototyped an interactive map of all social centres or other institutions than can help beneficiaries in their digital administrative requests. According to a Living Lab approach, a first inventory of local initiatives to improve the digital accessibility to public services was realised, by students of the university. A prototype of the map was invented in co-creative sessions, then tested on an “interactive table” in the SIILAB at Lille during the national «Week for Public Innovation» (2018). Accessible on the web, the interactive map constitutes a new public service against illectronism. An incremental updating of the map (800 places in 2018, 1500 places in June 2019) and user-returns about quality and accessibility are also a type of “evaluation in progress” of this new digital public service.

    Results, Outcomes & Impacts

    The SIILAB is a tool for administrations to experiment new digital tools and work practices without the logic of signature books and with less political control than usual. As a public innovation Lab, the Lab managers are authorised to test disruptive rules for public procurement, such as the purchase of small equipment on the Amazon website or the use of a credit card. Thanks to the Living Lab, public agents can test online meetings or the national digital platform called “” (simplified processes) that helps public officials to co-product e-administration. As a Lab dedicated to social economy, social innovation and public innovation, the SIILAB is used by more than 150 public or private actors in the region. For transforming the SIILAB into “a network of networks”, the aim is to enlarge the audience of the Living Lab thanks to a mailing list of 1600 addresses (in 2019) of associations, local communities, State administrations, or through more than 1000 followers on Twitter. This social network is also used by the Lab managers to bypass the usual hierarchical communication with the ministries and elected people. Examples of outcomes are: a digital kit to train social workers in digital inclusion practices (access to social rights with Internet); a video prototype to explain «domiciliation in Social Centres»; an interactive map of places for digital inclusion not far from home (training, help of social workers to guide users in e-administration). The map has three aims: 1) helping inhabitants in their digital requests; 2) showing inequalities between citizens according to the territories where they live; 3) encouraging public authorities for improving the geographical diffusion of resource centres for e-administration.

    Challenges & Bottlenecks

    The SIILAB is a Public Innovation Lab managed by a State institution, the DRJSCS, under the authority of the Préfet (representative of the State authority in the regions). Even if a national call for project is a lever for public innovations, the change in administrative routines and the hierarchical top-down decisional process are real challenges. Another challenge linked to the call for project as a tool for public innovation is the short-term funding, too short to co-create with users and to prototype innovations. So, there is a gap between political discourses about co-creation and Living Labs (that need funds) and the national incentive for reducing public expenditure. According to the SIILAB experiments, a second bottleneck in transforming administrations is the digital process in itself. Cost, skills and data security can be barriers for the use of software in co-creative sessions with any public agent engaged in the digital transformation. And co-creation is not a priority when the digital transformation in public services implies more work to implement new software, new design and new rules (once only, easy to read and understand, etc.). Another barrier to the efficiency of Public Innovations Labs is that projects are based on partnership, too often based on engaged people but who could leave the experiment following changes in their careers.

    Transferability & Replicability

    The diffusion of the SIILAB experimentations is made by online social networks or through events “in the real world”, in the region or in France. From 2016, the SIILAB projected the scaling up of innovations at the regional scale, at the trans-border scale with Belgium and at a national scale through social economy networks. At a regional scale, the mapping of digital resource centres is a way of replicability in more and more local communities. At a national scale, other public innovations labs or social innovators come to visit the SIILAB in Lille in order to transfer some experiments. But considering the short time funding of the Living Lab, the uncertain future of the SIILAB makes it difficult to imagine the diffusion phase. Moreover, as a public innovation Lab created for the Hauts-de-France region, the SIILAB has no administrative authority to diffuse new public actions in other regions in France. These regions could just try to imitate the SIILAB, but probably in the limited framework of a call of project. A way to get around this obstacle was the participation of the SIILAB to the creation of a «Connected France Hub», a regional hub of public and private actors for digital inclusion (national call for projects from the “Bank of the Territories”). Linked to the national incentive for creating Living Labs in the public services, replicability of Public Innovation Labs as tools for administrative transformation goes also through a MOOC developed with the Sorbonne University in Paris to explain how to create a Public Innovation Lab.

    Success Factors

    For the government that launched projects for transformation of public action, the criteria of success are: cost-savings in public expenditure, a better quality of public services for users, a better work environment for public agents, an innovative digital project, the quality of governance. For the SIILAB, additional success factors are: an increased organisational performance, the learning of collaborative practices, a better implementation of public policies, new services for vulnerable people (poor, elderly, undergraduate, immigrants…). Moreover, SIILAB managers consider as a success the visibility of the social innovations by the Préfet (representative of the State in the regions) and by the government in Paris. Success criteria of the SIILAB were measured in 2019: more than 150 stakeholders; more than 3050 persons participated in 310 workshops or events (more than 200 participants in November 2018); 50 projects launched; 1600 persons in the mailing list; more than 1000 followers on Twitter and around 25 000 views per month; national prices as indicators of recognition and efficiency (Télécoms Innovation 2018, Best innovative strategy 2018). But a success factor to achieve these success criteria was the SIILAB capacity to reinforce the previous habits of decentralised State services to work together, as well as with the public and private actors of the social economy, including associations, universities and local authorities.

    Lessons learned

    The role of the SIILAB, as a Public Innovation Lab supported by the French Government, is to experiment digital tools and co-creative methods, often inspired from service design. Public Innovation Labs are elements of a national policy that aims to restore the legitimacy of public action by responding to three objectives: a social issue (linked to digital change), a budgetary issue (cost-savings), a governance issue (Public, Private, People Partnership). The specificity of the SIILAB is focused on social innovation and digital inclusion in a region where a lot of vulnerable people are far from e-administration. Its governance (a committee for strategic decisions, a self-organised partnership for actions, a regional networking) is one model among others in Public Innovation Labs. Introducing the Living Lab methodologies in a bureaucratic organisation allows the “right to fail” and new relations between State administrations, local public agents and private stakeholders (no subsidies but funds for a collective project). But some bottlenecks appeared through the SIILAB or other Public Innovation Labs: 1) co-creation with intermediate-users (public agents, associations) and not final vulnerable users; 2) when an innovative practice becomes a norm, it is more difficult to quantify how it changes public action; 3) it is difficult to evaluate the costs avoided by co-creation; 4) a short-term funding (2 or 3 years) does not allow to test innovations and change practices; 5) the Anglo-saxon model of «impact measurement» does not allow to evaluate the collective value creation (Commons).

    Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

    In the context of digital transformation of Greek economy, the main stakeholders and beneficiaries can be categorized in the following groups:
    • Public sector: This stakeholder group includes policy makers and regulators who are active in the digital ecosystem, along with others such as international organizations and members of civil society.
    • Financial actors: This category includes the range of investors that support enterprises and different stages of the startup life cycle, from prototyping for start-ups to initial public offering (IPO) for more mature companies.
    • Academia: Academic actors include primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, as well as research institutions and training centers. Academic institutions support the ecosystem by conducting primary research, helping to build the capacity of human capital, and encouraging the development of young innovators.
    • Private sector: The private sector refers to large, mature corporations, established SMEs, and groups such as chambers of commerce that represent the interests of the private sector.
    • Entrepreneurial support networks: These are the organizations within the ecosystem, such as digital innovation hubs, incubators, accelerators, and associations, which support entrepreneurs. They impact the ecosystem by providing guidance, inspiration, open spaces and digital tools to support local start-ups, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs in their digitalization efforts.

    Co-creation process

    Digital transformation is ultimately the outcome of the collective efforts of diverse stakeholders sharing a common vision for the transformation of their territory. Different key stakeholders must assume a very active and productive role, through constructive interaction. They must have an active involvement and participation in the design, implementation and assessment of policies, actions and relative initiatives targeting the enhancement of the digital economy ecosystem. The state should work with the local government, social partners, chambers, various business associations, universities, the startup community, training organizations, financing institutions, major ICT sector players (including mobile network operators, hardware manufacturers, and services companies), as well as other players having a significant role in the society, in building the enabling environment for the digital economy ecosystem to flourish in.

    Digital Transformation Process

    The mission of the CDI is to foster digital innovation and accelerate the digital transformation of the Greek economy, by coordinating joint efforts of all involved stakeholders and leveraging world best practices and tools, as well as the Greek research and entrepreneurial potential. Primary objectives:
    • Foster digital innovation and promote the digital transformation of the public sector through Open Innovation initiatives that bring together the public sector with the start-up and innovation community, research and academia, and the private sector
    • Accelerate the digital transformation of the Greek economy via leveraging the full potential of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) to ensure that every company, small or large, high-tech or not, can grasp the digital opportunities
    • Coordinate efforts of all involved stakeholders towards digital innovation, supporting the setup of a Greek ecosystem and cultivating a digital innovation mindset

    Results, Outcomes & Impacts

    Open Innovation, being ecosystem centric, can support digital transformation through innovation by encouraging the cross-sectoral interconnectedness of the main stakeholders (government, industry, academia and civil participants). Bringing together technology and know-how from all involved stakeholders, educating all involved parties in new technologies and cultivating a culture of co-operation and co-creation, open innovation can facilitate new technological developments, while enabling rapid research and development that can greatly benefit both the public sector and the economy as a whole. Moreover, in order to reinforce Greece’s competitiveness in digital technologies, the country must ensure that every business -whichever the sector, wherever the location, whatever the size- can draw the full benefits of digital innovation. DIHs, as one-stop-shops where companies –especially SMEs, startups and mid-caps– can get help to improve their business, production processes, products and services by means of digital technology, can play a key role in supporting companies become more competitive through digital innovation. The Center of Digital Innovation can significantly contribute to the digital empowerment of the country as a government agency that coordinates government interventions to accelerate digital innovation and digital transformation of the economy. Last but not least, the center will seek to promote a Digital Innovation mindset to startups, public entities and the general public, as well as promote and accelerate the creation of the Greek innovation ecosystem and its connection to the global one.

    Challenges & Bottlenecks

    A key challenge is the effectiveness of the governance scheme. The CDI as a public body, with inter-ministerial characteristics, will be in close collaboration with stakeholders that provide supporting services to the digital economy ecosystem. In particular, it will be aligned with key stakeholders, which shape the majority of initiatives regarding digital economy growth.

    Transferability & Replicability

    The implementation model of the CDI may be adapted and used by other Governments, Regions, or Local Governments in order to support Open Innovation initiatives that connect the public sector with startups, corporations and small businesses, the research/academic space, and the innovation community as well as for supporting the early adoption of digital technologies to make businesses more competitive and productive.

    Success Factors

    CDI aims to pursue active involvement of all involved stakeholders in its activities and decisions. At the same time, through the Center stakeholders will be assisted to meet strategic needs. Through the CDI, government and public organizations as well as large corporations will be assisted to develop an open innovation culture internally and engage directly with outsiders, to improve processes and develop differentiated products. To help organizations cultivate an open innovation mentality internally, CDI will support inter-organizational programs with a focus on the public sector, in which employees will be invited to submit their ideas in complex problems of the organization and turn them into real services/products. This could significantly help further engage their employees and unlock the innovation potential in their organization. In addition, CDI will support, disseminate and coordinate the organization of innovation contests, hackathons and open innovation programs for the public and at national level, involving public stakeholders, the industry, the academic/research community as well as the start-up community.

    Lessons learned

    The Greek Government has highlighted the need to achieve a successful transition to digital services and change the production model in Greece, in which the emerging innovation ecosystem of new enterprises and startups is expected to play a critical role.Although several initiatives are currently in place in Greece to support the digital economy, the digital economy support ecosystem in Greece is quite fragmented and there is a definite need for coordination. The participation and coordination of all involved stakeholders and the identification and implementation of best practices and key initiatives -such as the Digital Innovation Hubs and the Open Innovation -initiatives mentioned above- could significantly accelerate the Digital Economy transformation in Greece. The implementation model for the CDI is based on Open Innovation 2.0, a key EU policy to support Digital Single Market strategy. It is based on a Quadruple Helix Model where government, industry, academia and civil participants work together to co-create the future and drive structural changes far beyond the scope of what any one organization or person could do alone. This model enables organizations to access new talent and reduce research costs, spreads risks and brings innovations to market more quickly. Additionally, it enables researchers, small companies and start-ups to test their technologies in real world settings, adjust them according to market needs, and get (first) customers.

    Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

    This case study looks at a for-profit housing and care provider for older people and people with disabilities in Scotland. The organisation provides care at home, housing support, care homes and responder-type services in ten local authorities in Scotland. This organisation is skilled in providing services through the support of digital systems, such as the emergency alarm system that aims to customise services for individuals and to give users more control over the service.

    Co-creation process

    Three key points of value co-creation have been identified in this case study. First, at the stage of service design, the service users co-create value through joining the Tenants’ Group, using the complaints procedure, attending the organization’s AGM and filling in survey questionnaires. The service users are also involved in the development of the digital system to offer opinions on the look, feel and functionality of the system. Service users are also involved in the staff recruitment. Second, at the operational planning, value co-creation process is recognized during the collection of information about service users, where the role of service managers is highlighted. The care package is developed with individual service users, who thus participate in operational planning and co-create value for the service. Third, at the stage of service delivery, the service users play a pivotal role in creating value through their day-to-day involvement in service interactions. The service users and frontline staff build a service relationship through service interactions, which facilitates the service users to create value. Moreover, supporting processes and technology are recognized as an important interface to facilitate value creation, by enriching the experience of service users, increasing their social contact with family and friends, and helping staff to better understand user needs and to handle emergencies more effectively.

    Digital Transformation Process

    We have not looked at the digital transformation. However, technology and digital systems were mentioned as facilitating the effective provision of services in this case study.

    Results, Outcomes & Impacts

    The outcomes and impacts are identified in two aspects. First, the service users’ involvement in service interactions and operational planning has contributed to the service improvement at the micro level and thus has impacted the value that individual service users receive from the housing and care services. Second, the frontline service staff have learned through service interactions with service users, which enables the service staff to perform their job more effectively and thus impacting their capacity to facilitate value creation and co-creation.

    Challenges & Bottlenecks

    There are some challenges related to the stages of service design and service delivery. At the service design stage, the service users are less likely to be involved in the design of service while various respondents have attributed the low involvement to the service users’ apathy to involvement outside service interactions. Three main challenges are identified at the service delivery stages. First, ‘too much care’ and a disparity in care offered by different frontline staff could result in service users’ unrealistic expectations of service and therefore, value destruction. Second, a lack of continuity in care to foster relationship building; personality clashes; a lack of resources; and a lack of knowledgeable or appropriately trained staff are seen as four ways to hurdle fostering service relationships and thus, pose challenges for value creation.

    Transferability & Replicability

    The case study organisation is a Scotland based organization, but its idea may be applicable to other contexts. However, this case study has not explored this aspect.

    Success Factors

    One central success factor identified in this case study is that knowledgeable, skilled staff who take a caring approach are important to value co-creation. For human-centred services in particular, this supported the development of the service relationship and trust.

    Lessons learned

    Four practical lessons have been learnt from this case study. First, frontline service staff play an indispensable role in co-creating value during service interactions. It was necessary, therefore, that staff were appropriately trained and knowledgeable. They needed the appropriate soft skills to manage the service relationship and engage with and understand service users’ narratives to co-create value. Second, services need to be accessible to service users and support the co-creation of value. Third, the organizational culture enabled or constrained value co-creation for service users. Culture had implications for the extent to which service users view themselves and public service staff view service users as capable of contributing to value creation processes. Finally, qualitative performance management tools should be developed to capture the multi-dimensional, subjective nature of value.