GovLab Austria
GovLab Austria was founded in 2016 by the chancellor’s office of the Austrians federal government and the Danube university Krems. In 2017 after a national election, the jurisdiction was moved from the chancellor’s office to the Bundesministerium für Öffentlichen Dienst und Sport (Federal Agency of Public Service and Sports (BMÖDS)).
GovLab Austria is receiving financial resources by their two founding partners the Danube University Krems and the BMÖDS. However, the budget of GovLab Austria is rather small with €75.000 (excluding costs for staff).
The initial goal of GovLab Austria is to facilitate innovation within the Austrian federal administration, through enabling the exchange of information and knowledge between different organizational units. To achieve this goal, the participants of GovLab Austria engage in three activities. First, they implement projects that aim at reorganizing existing services within the federal administration. Second, they offer training programs for administrators working at the federal government. Third, they organize events where public administrators meet each other and have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas about public sector innovation projects.