SIILAB – Hauts-De-France Region: A «Public Innovation Lab» for Digital and Social Inclusion
The SIILAB (Social Innovation and Investment Laboratory) is a «Public Innovation Lab» created in 2016 in the framework of a national call for project to foster the «Digital Transition of the State and Modernization of Public Action». The SIILAB was one of the twelve projects labelled as Public Innovation Labs in different regions. The raison d’être of the SIILAB is the digital inclusion in a region where a lot of people are poor or low qualified or unemployed or in scholar exclusion. Furthermore, digital exclusion (no digital device or illectronism) concerns 1,2 million people in the Hauts-de-France region (and 13 million in France). In the context of e-government and increasing e-administration, access to digital public services is a priority for public actors and social mediation actors. The SIILAB is an innovative answer to this political challenge. Even if 16 stakeholders were at the origin of this social innovation project, the DRJSCS (Regional Directorate of Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion) of the Hauts-de-France region (North of France) is the pilot of the Living Lab. As a resource centre for social innovators, the SIILAB is located in the antenna of the DRJSCS, in Lille. It is also considered as a “neutral meeting point” (a room with tools for design sessions) for stakeholders. As a methodology, the Living Lab is “a space and time of liberty” to experiment new practices in administrations. Above all, the SIILAB is a framework for actors of the social economy as well as public agents from the State or the local authorities to launch projects at the scale of the Hauts-de-France region. To improve social innovations and social economy, the work program of the SIILAB focuses on 7 axes : crowd-sourcing, simpler administrative procedures, illectronism, open data, e-learning, assessment, promotion of social innovations to grand public.