The Spanish General Secretary for Digital Administration
The General Secretary for Digital Administration offers the best case study in Spain for approaching value co-creation in the field of digital transformation, as it is the digital service team from central government in charge of national leadership and coordination. Fourteen head of Units and project managers of some of the most relevant projects have been selected to share their experience and opinions regarding co-creation of value in their area. In particular, they have been asked about their organisation, the most relevant project in which they have worked, other actors involved in those projects, recurring challenges, involvement of public servants, citizens and other stakeholders in their projects, replication of practices across levels of government, public value creation and the future of digital transformation.
Stakeholders & Beneficiaries
- Civil servants
- Other national, regional and local public administration
- Associations, representatives and intermediaries
- Citizens as final users and professionals
- Businesses and third sector associations
Co-creation process
Digital Transformation Process
Results, Outcomes & Impacts
- Improvement of user-centricity, accessibility and quality of digital public services.
- Satisfaction of the final user.
- Reduction of the average time of processing of the administrative procedure.
- Reduction of the development cost of the digital public services.
- Reduction of fraud and increase of revenue.
- Transparency and openness.
- Better skills for digital transformation among civil servers and the civil society.
- Improvement of knowledge about the public administration among citizens and other stakeholders.
Challenges & Bottlenecks
Transferability & Replicability
Success Factors
- Participation of stakeholders should avoid one-size-fits-all strategies; idiosyncrasy matters and as well as the nature of the service, project, sector and type of users.
- Prioritisation is essential as well as fast interactions along the value co-creation life cycle.
- Moving from service offering model to on-demand model.
- Key issues for involvement of stakeholders: dedication, selection, competences, awareness.
- Less bureaucracy, direct on-line relationships and closeness to the citizens and other stakeholders.
- Starting the projects with quick-wins or clear advantages from the beginning, so the advantages and benefits can be noted from the beginning.
- In the case of public servants who are involved in the design and operation of the projects, it is important to value and reward the whole team in the case of success, so that they feel co-responsible in future digital transformation projects.