Zero Long-Term Unemployed Territory (TZCLD)
The “zero long-term unemployed territory” (TZCLD) project has at its centre the “Job Factory” which is a Job-Oriented Company (JOCs). Its purpose is to solve long-term unemployment by involving a methodological innovation (a new recruitment method based on a reverse process), and an organizational innovation (the creation of a firm with an employment objective and a horizontal management).
The project TZCLD was initiated by the association ATD Quart Monde (ATD Fourth World) in 2011, after being tested mid-1990 in Seiches-Sur-Le-Loir but not carried out to completion because the financing package proposed required a change in the French law. After ATD Quart Monde won the support of a Parliamentarian, Laurent Grandguillaume, who defended the project at the National Assembly, the “Zero long-term unemployed Territory” (TZCLD) association was created in October 2016 to pursue the project at a national level. A law was voted on 29 February 2016 to enforce the TZCLC project, and 10 experimental territories, financed for 5 years, were chosen in November. The project is currently in the testing phase.
The idea of the project is to be able to offer to any unemployed person in a given territory, a job adapted to his/her know-how, paid at the guaranteed minimum wage, based on an indeterminate duration contract, for a chosen period of time. Unemployed persons are hired by the JOCs, which are created for the purpose of this project. These JOCs fall within the scope of the Social and Solidarity Economy. They propose indeterminate duration employment contracts with guaranteed minimum wages. The unemployed persons create their own jobs on the basis of their know-how, their desires, and the needs of the territory. The jobs created must not compete with the activities of “traditional” incumbent companies.