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Jean Bruijnzeels

Account Manager, Municipality of Maastricht

Jean is responsible for the contacts between international institutes in the Maastricht region and the city itself. He is member of the steering committee of the bi-annual European Public Sector Award, organized by the European Institute of Public Administration. He has experience with co-creating events together with citizens, youth organizations, educational and international institutes.


Karim Cherroud

Founder ‘Urban Connector’

Karim supports (local) governments in complex social projects in which he connects knowledge, insights and experts within government and society and inspires with new perspectives. Karim draws on research and translates it into practice, collects “collective intelligence” through co-creation and translates this into policy advice and clear communication that takes into account the needs, wishes and behavior of citizens and other stakeholders.

Gerhard Embacher-Köhle

Gerhard Embacher-Köhle

Innovation Manager, Federal Computing Center Austria

Gerhard Embacher-Köhle is dealing with the composition of Innovation Management Systems in Public Management since many years. He works with citizens as well as employees of the Public Administration to identify ideas and co-create concepts for innovative Public Services.

186_Hr.HerbertLeitold_13.07.2016, Foto Fischer, Herrengasse7, 8010 Graz, Tel.: 0316/825322, Mail:

Herbert Leitold

Research Professor & Senior Adviser

Herbert is Secretary-General of A-SIT, Secure Information Technology Center – Austria, and board member of the non-profit foundation Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies (SIC). He holds a master of telecommunications and informatics. His main expertise is in eGovernment, electronic signatures and electronic identity.

Fiorenza Lipparini

Fiorenza Lipparini

Director of Research – PlusValue Advisory

Fiorenza is Founding Partner and Director of Research at PlusValue. She has extensive experience in urban regeneration projects in Italy and in the UK, impact investing and assessment, EU RDI programs and policies, and participatory research. Before joining PlusValue in 2015, Fiorenza worked for The Young Foundation as EU policy senior analyst. She had been a policy analyst in Brussels for Intesa Sanpaolo for the previous four years, and in 2010 she served as a policy analyst for Atomium Culture. Fiorenza is co-founder and equity partner of Impact Alliance Holding, Research Fellow at UCL’s Institute for Finance and Technology and Senior Researcher at the Global Institute for Innovation Districts.

Fernando de Pablo Martin

Fernando de Pablo Martín

Digital Office Director – Madrid City Hall

Telecommunication Engineer. Improvement of public administration with digital transformation in several positions: CDO in Madrid City Hall, CIO in Central Administration during COVID crisis, President of Segittur a public company to promote innovation in tourism, expert in the Public Administration Reform Office (CORA), General Director of Electronic Administration, Deputy Director IT Department of Spanish Tax Administration.

Francesco Molinari

Francesco Molinari

Independent Researcher and Policy Advisor

Francesco has more than 30 years of experience in the domains of digital public administration and R&D and innovation policy design, implementation and evaluation at national, regional and local levels.

Erik Oftedal

Erik Oftedal

Director, Norwegian Labour And Welfare Organization (NAV)

NAV has half the Norwegian population and a significant number of employers as customers. They have different needs. Many have demanding lives, are uncertain about their future and we follow them for many years. Others just need a simple service and we do not see them again. In my 15 years at NAV, I have worked to adapt our services to customer needs, i.e. through user involvement.

Metka Stare

Metka Stare, PhD

Research Professor & Senior Adviser

Metka’s major research interests include service innovation; public-private innovation networks in services, internationalisation of services and global value chains; policy design for R&D and innovation, circular change processes. Metka has published an intensive list of international publications on respective topics. In the period 2008-2012, she was President of the European Association for REsearch on SERvices (RESER), a network of research groups and individuals active in different areas of services research and policy formulation. She has engaged in a number of European and national research projects. Metka was a member of the High-Level Expert Group “Research, Innovation, and Science Policy” (RISE) (2014 – 2015) and of the High Level Economic Policy Expert Group “Innovation for Growth” (i4g) (2011- 2014), both established by DG Research and Innovation.