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Co-VAL > Overview
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Co-VAL aims to explore the notion of value created in public administration via the participation of citizens & civil servants, along with the new ways of integrating respective practices towards transforming public administration services and processes. The project will mainly contribute to the analysis of innovative ways for designing (a) service models for public administration processes, mainly demand-driven (i.e. cases where service providers and the users of services, such as citizens and organizations, are the key actors), and (b) bottom-up supply chains (e.g. from civil servants, front-line workers, citizens/users of the services) that promote the voluntary and active participation of society in the transformative efforts of public administrations. Co-VAL has identified the following four specific objectives.

Co-VAL will examine three aspects of value co-creation in public services: i) its nature and characteristics; ii) its organizational and implementation modes, and iii) its impacts.

Using both existing data and new metrics, specific KPIs will be used to analyse i) how co-creation activities occur; ii) the role of different partners in innovative projects; iii) the factors that explain failure or success, and iv) the social impact.

The project will investigate value co-creation on i) digital transformation; ii) service design and blue-printing in the participatory policy-making context; iii) innovation and living labs; iv) innovative structural relationships between public-private-third sector innovation networks and social innovation in public services.

The project team will try to ensure that research results will generate sustainable impact in public administration policy and practice, apart from contributing to theoretical knowledge.