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Get to know the Co-VAL Dashboard, at our Webinar on February 11, 2020!

Co-VAL > Blog > Events > Get to know the Co-VAL Dashboard, at our Webinar on February 11, 2020!

We are very pleased to invite you to the High-LevelWebinar on The Co-VAL Dashboard: The Opportunities Behind Sharing Best Practice in Co-Creation’ that we are co-organising with EUROCITIES, on Tuesday, 11 February 2020, from 11.00 to 12.00 CET.

“Co-creation” is the complex process in which citizens stop simply consuming government services and start to play an active role in their design, delivery and execution. Since its concept was first developed, co-creation has captured the imagination of civil servants, academics and public- sector consultants alike, and it is at the core of the recent Tallinn Declaration on digital government. But how are national and local authorities living up to this principle? How can we turn it into a reality for Europe’s 508 million citizens? This is what the Co-VAL project has set out to achieve with its Dashboard, a unique tracker for bench-marking the co-creation performance of countries and cities, and for learning from best practice.

During the webinar you will learn how 6 cities and 28 member states have already used the Co-VAL Dashboard, and how more cities can contribute data on their own experience and projects and learn from success stories around Europe. The Co-VAL Dashboard is a unique tracker for bench-marking the co-creation performance of countries and cities, and for learning from best practice.


11.00 – 11.10: Introduction

Federica Bordelot, Policy Advisor, EUROCITIES

11.10 – 11.30: Presentation of the Co-VAL Dashboard, results and opportunities

Francesco Mureddu, Director, the Lisbon Council

11.30 – 12.00

Q&A session

You can register here.

Note: To run the webinar, we use Skype for Business. Information on how to join the meeting will be sent directly to your email address on the day prior to the webinar.